最佳亚洲体育博彩平台 & 更新

  • Seventh Annual Humanities Paper Prize Announcement

    Faeli Kathryn Karcher has been named 的 winner of this year’s 希腊的大学 Humanities Paper Prize, which is awarded by 的 Literature and History (LH) program. Faeli, who is majoring in Literature and History (Literature track) and minoring in Education, is expected to graduate in May 2025. Faeli的论文, “完美主义者, 复兴, Extremist: The History of John Noyes and 的 Oneida Community,” was written in spring 2024 in The Struggle for Identity in 的 Modern Age (HIST 2165) – a Foundations Forward Core Curriculum course taught by Dr. 尼古拉斯Ganson. Her interest in 的 subject stemmed in part from having grown...

  • Be Attentive: A Weekend Retreat for Vocational Discernment at HCHC

    布鲁克林, MA  – 希腊的大学 圣十字 (HCHC) is pleased to announce that it will host 的 third "Be Attentive" retreat on its campus from October 11-13, 2024. This retreat is designed for men from any Orthodox Christian jurisdiction who are considering a call to ordained ministry. The "Be Attentive" retreat offers a unique opportunity for participants to explore 的 priesthood in a structured and supportive environment. Attendees will engage in spiritual reflection, receive guidance from experienced clergy, and participate in discussions that provide deeper insight into 的 life and responsibilities of ordained ministry. HCHC invites priests, parish communities and...

  • 院长Fr. Pentiuc’s Brief Summer Report

    Below are a few spotlights of summer activity of Fr. 尤金J. Pentiuc, Dean of 圣十字. (1)转速. Dr. 尤金J. Pentiuc, 的 newly appointed Academic Dean of 圣十字 Greek Orthodox School of Theology spent this summer abroad.  For 的 first two weeks, he accompanied Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, Chaplain and Director of St. Helen’s Pilgrimage to Constantinople and Rome. He took this trip to analyze and, along with Fr. Mercado, to produce a report for 的 HCHC president and 的 Pilgrimage’s major donor Ms. 海伦卡洛斯. The report will focus on how St. Helen’s Pilgrimage can better allocate...

  • HCHC Announces 的 Appointment of Dr. 尼古拉斯Ganson as Interim Dean of 希腊的大学

    HCHC is pleased to announce 的 appointment of Dr. 尼古拉斯Ganson as Interim Dean of 希腊的大学, effective July 1, 2024. Dr. Ganson, an esteemed academic and dedicated member of 的 希腊的大学 community, will bring his extensive experience and leadership to this vital role. Dr. Ganson is Associate Professor of History and Co-chair of 的 Literature and History Program at 希腊的大学. He is also 的 Director of 的 New York Life Insurance Company Center for 的 Study of Hellenism in Pontus and Asia Minor. His academic journey is marked by a profound dedication to 的 study and teaching...

  • From New Rome to Ancient Rome – St. 海伦的朝圣2024

    Under 的 leadership of 的 Dean of 圣十字, Fr. 尤金J. Pentiuc, and with 的 participation of Fr. Philip Zymaris和Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, 的 faculty and students participating in St. Helen’s Pilgrimage completed 的 first two stages of 的ir pilgrimage to Constantinople and Rome. 在君士坦丁堡, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew granted 的m an audience at which he greeted 的 pilgrims and extended his Patriarchal blessings upon 的m. Fr. Pentiuc笔记, “In my private audience with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, I conveyed 的 best wishes of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and President Dr. 德米特里加藤...

  • Inaugural Senior Recognition Luncheon Honoring 希腊的大学’s Class of 2024 Academic Achievements

    5月15日星期三, 2024 at 12 pm at 的 马里奥蒂斯文化中心’s East Wing, 希腊的大学 held 的 first annual senior recognition luncheon honoring 的 academic achievements of 的 class of 2024. The event was co-sponsored by 的 office of 的 Dean and by 的 Mentoring & Advising Committee of 希腊的大学. According to 的 opening remarks of Dr. 盖Patitsas, 的 Interim Dean of Hellenic, “There were three main goals for today’s luncheon: to appreciate our seniors; to celebrate 的 art of scholarship done well as a good in its own right; and, 因为我们需要你, 的...
